What Is The Healing Rainbow

Michelle Deminick

"Michelle if you had super powers your power would be rainbows." Someone I hold dearly in my heart once told me this.

I now recognize that I am here as a light to guide others through the darkness. I know and understand what it is like to suffer and how to continue on this path of spirituality to move forward and learn the truth of life. It's about looking inside your soul to know how to live and following your own inner guidance.

I understand pain and suffering. I have suffered greatly in this life as well as many other lifetimes. In this time frame I have learned that there is "wisdom in trauma" as Gabor Mate expresses.

There are days when I feel like I still have so much to learn, as if I have learned nothing. What I have learned is that we can't know everything, if we are supposed to know something it will be revealed when the time is right.

The Healing Rainbow is my superpower. It's a place to heal, learn, grow and transform through educational classes and workshops, reiki, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, soul mapping (spiritual counseling and coaching).

I have been working in the mental health field for many years providing youth work, family support, education, 1-1 support etc and I see there is something missing in this field and that's the wholeness of the person. We are not merely a physical body, we have an emotional body, spiritual body and a mental body.

To heal we need to treat the entirety of the person and that's what I am doing.

I will help guide you to find your inner power and learn how to look inside yourself to find the answers to make those changes in your life you have been searching for.

You have the power!

We are all gods and goddesses.

Look inside yourself and you will find YOU, the most amazing and powerful you that you are!



Book your Rainbow Energetics (Reiki), soul mapping  (coaching and counseling)  courses and groups visit https://thehealingrainbow.janeapp.com/
For Yoga and meditation and please visit https://www.saynascollectivehealing.com/ to book

If you have any questions please email

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